The Causes of Dementia and Its Prevention

Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disease that promotes the development of dementia (Alzheimer’s Association Report, 2018). Dementia is a widespread cognitive issue today, affecting around forty-seven million people by 2015 (Livingston et al., 2017). Furthermore, it’s a syndrome characterized by a set of symptoms that occur simultaneously (Alzheimer’s Association Report, 2018). Therefore, there are various factors contributing to its development, and there are a few steps to prevent its development.

Accordingly, various factors contribute to the development of dementia.  They include brain abnormalities and lifestyle; whereby the mode of living of an individual might either promote or reduce the risks of developing the disease(Livingston et al., 2017). Other risk factors include Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, high blood pressure and obesity, limited physical activities, smoking, and depression (Livingston et al., 2017). All these factors contribute to the development of dementia. Additionally, it primarily affects people above the age of sixty-five. Accordingly, in seeking an efficient treatment option to reduce the challenges for the patients, therapies such as Cognitive Stimulation Therapy are used (Stewart et al., 2017). Consequently, this therapy reduces and eliminates some of the following symptoms: the decline in memory and cognitive abilities.

Subsequently, prevention is always better than cure. Accordingly, there are various steps for the prevention of dementia. They include enhancing cognitive reserve through exercising, stimulation of the mind through education, and the actualization of a healthy lifestyle (Livingston et al., 2017). Consequently, most of these factors, such as education and exercise, enhance the brain reserve, reducing the risks for dementia.

In conclusion, dementia is a massive challenge in society, with many people developing the syndrome. Therefore, preventing its development will reduce the cases of individuals needling treatment to protect their families. Subsequently, various prevention procedures are effective in preventing the development of dementia, such as healthy lifestyles.


Alzheimer’s Association Report, 2018. 2018 Alzheimer’s disease facts and figures. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 14(3), pp.367-429.

Livingston, G., Sommerlad, A., Ortega, V., Costafreda, S., Huntley, J., Ames, D., Ballard, C., Banerjee, S., Burns, A., Cohen-Mansfield, J., Cooper, C., Fox, N., Gitlin, L., Howard, R., Kales, H., Larson, E., Ritchie, K., Rockwood, K., Sampson, E., Samus, Q., Schneider, L., Selbæk, G., Teri, L. and Mukadam, N., 2017. Dementia prevention, intervention, and care. The Lancet, 390(10113), pp.2673-2734



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